FAQ section

Do you ship to my country?

Yes. We ship orders worldwide. See more information from other shipping related FAQ questions.

How long do orders take to arrive?

For US Orders: 4-6 days (sometimes longer in high colume times)
For International Orders: Typically 2 weeks but it is not uncommon for orders to get stopped at customs a delay further

Why do you print per order?

We print per order because our primary business is creating art. Outsourcing the printing and shipping allows us to focus on the creative and human connection while still ensuring our customers recieve high quality products

How is the print quality

We partner with one company who has warehouses across the country and some in Europe. All they do is print designs onto apparel and canvas and they do it very well. We order a sample of every product sold on our website to ensure quality and have never had a complaint. If you do have a complaint we are of course happy to refund it for you

Do You Accept Returns

Yes we accept returns within 30 days of purchase. We offer free returns to US customers but are unable to offer that internationally at this time.

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